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10 Tips on Staying Motivated and Productive at Home!

Updated: May 12, 2020

Written by Holly

During this time, It may be tempting to chill out on the sofa all day eating all your quarantine snacks in one go and binging on the latest reality TV series for what may feel like an eternity with hair that needed washing last week, but this is the perfect opportunity to get things done that you’ve been putting off since you started Uni!


Top Ten Tips!

1. The best thing to do at the very start of the day is to firstly get yourself back into a good sleep routine. 8 hours a night is recommended for most adults (I know we question that word from time to time being a student) but it’s the best way to get your mood up, feel energised and even promotes healthy skin and a regulated metabolism! Not to mention it increases concentration levels so you can get stuff done better.

2. Make a to- do list- set yourself small achievable goals. This will help you as it allows you to focus on those things one at a time and it feels great when you get to tick them off your list.

3. The next thing I would recommend you to do is to simply make your bed and take a shower, these may seem like small steps in the grand scheme of things, but it really gets you set up for a positive and can do mindset ready to take on the day.

4. Get ready in the morning- Studies have shown that productivity levels increase when you are dressed and ready for the day!

5. A clear space makes a clear mind- make sure that the room and desk you are working on is tidy as the clutter, smells or mess can distract you from what you are trying to focus on.

6. Stay hydrated- This is key to optimising brain function and will also prevent you from getting headaches whilst you’re trying to concentrate.

7. Relax- meditation, listen to music, read, draw whatever it is that getting you in a good vibe. If you feel good you will feel more inclined to do something productive and you are in a positive mindset.

8. Light a candle, let in some light and open some windows to let in fresh air- This will also put you in a good relaxed state and fresh air and light will allow you to feel more awake, as well as your surroundings feeling comfortable to work in.

9. Take a walk/ work out/ yoga- This will promote endorphins to be released into the body which is a chemical that makes you feel happy. This will therefore make you work better as you are in a positive mood. Exercise also helps towards better quality sleep which in turn will make you feel less tired.

10. If you’re struggling to get things done still, try setting a timer for 25 minuets and take a break once the timer is up. Also try out the do not disturb function on your phone to keep you from distractions.

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